What a beautiful day! While the Earth Day Garden Build event was scheduled from 10am to 1pm, some of us labored from 8am to 3:30pm! Over 35 volunteers worked on transforming a space on Paul's campus overrun by crabgrass and weeds into an aesthetically pleasing pollinator garden.  Paul PCS' 6-9th graders, teachers, community and family members moved over 5000 lbs of soil, 2500 lbs of mulch, 2400 lbs of sand, 4,000 lbs of stone, and 50 plants into the space.  We were very lucky to receive generous snack donations from Revolution Foods and a lunch donation from Chipotle.  This build was made possible by City Blossoms who gave us a $2500 grant for this project.  Special thanks to Fabricio, Jayson, Maati, Ner, Steve, Cristian, Soukeina, Yami, Roxana, and Rosalie who also helped measure the space and create the build plan.  We will be continuing our work and adding some last touches to our garden spaces in the weeks that come.  Thanks for coming out everyone!

Maria Jimenez
5/24/2013 12:46:37 am

Is there any other better way to spend the weekend? No, there isn't! We had a great time with each other outside of school while doing something for our community! Everyone did the hard work without complaints!!


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